The Most Popular Food in Cape Verde, Ranked

Choose the food you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 2, 2024 06:52
When considering the diversity of culinary traditions around the globe, every country offers unique dishes that are worth recognizing. In Cape Verde, an island nation with a rich history influenced by both African and Portuguese cuisines, the local food scene presents a fascinating fusion of flavors that are central to its cultural identity. By engaging in a ranking of these popular dishes, one gains a deeper appreciation of Cape Verde's gastronomical landscape. Ranking the foods not only serves as a guide for locals and tourists alike to understand what might be considered quintessential eating in Cape Verde, but it also emphasizes the communal values embedded in food preferences. This interactive system provides an opportunity for individuals to express their opinions, thereby shaping a collective food ranking that reflects the true taste of Cape Verde. Each vote contributes to a broader understanding of what is cherished among different demographics within the country.

What Is the Most Popular Food in Cape Verde?

  1. 1


    A slow-cooked stew made with hominy, beans, and various meats or fish, considered the national dish of Cape Verde.
    • Variants: Cachupa Rica (with more meat), Cachupa Pobre (simpler version)
  2. 2


    A strong alcoholic beverage made from sugarcane, often considered the national drink of Cape Verde.
    • Typical Alcohol Content: Around 40%
  3. 3


    A bean stew with meat, influenced by the Portuguese version but with a Cape Verdean twist.
    • Key Ingredients: Beans, pork, and chorizo
  4. 4


    A corn-based dish similar to polenta, often served with fish or meat.
    • Variety: Can be made sweet or savory
  5. 5


    A popular seafood dish in Cape Verde, featuring lobster seasoned with local spices.
    • Common Sides: Rice and fried plantains
  6. 6

    Polvo à moda do Sal

    A traditional octopus dish from the island of Sal, cooked with garlic, onion, and green pepper.
    • Serving Suggestion: Typically served with rice.
  7. 7

    Pastel com diabo dentro

    A pastry filled with spicy tuna, also known as 'pastry with the devil inside'.
    • Origin: The name reflects the spicy nature of the filling.
  8. 8

    Bife de atum

    A tuna steak dish, often marinated in spices and grilled or fried.
    • Popular Marinade Ingredients: Garlic, lime, and cilantro
  9. 9


    A bean and rice dish, often flavored with lima beans and chorizo.
    • Also Known As: Jag
  10. 10


    A comforting chicken soup, often made with rice, lemon, and mint.
    • Common Occasions: Served during illness or as a late-night meal

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular food in Cape Verde. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or food is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 107 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each food once every 24 hours. The rank of each food is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Food in Cape Verde

Rank #1 for the most popular food in Cape Verde: Cachupa (Source)
Cape Verde, an archipelago off the northwest coast of Africa, boasts a rich culinary tradition. The cuisine reflects a blend of African, Portuguese, and Brazilian influences. This mix arises from the islands' history of colonization and trade. The food culture here thrives on simplicity and freshness, relying heavily on locally sourced ingredients.

Staple foods in Cape Verde include grains, vegetables, and seafood. These ingredients form the basis of many traditional dishes. The islands' proximity to the sea ensures a steady supply of fresh fish and shellfish. These are often grilled, baked, or stewed, providing a variety of flavors and textures.

Grains play a significant role in Cape Verdean meals. Corn, in particular, is a versatile ingredient. It can be ground into flour for bread or used whole in stews. Rice also features prominently, often served as a side dish or mixed with other ingredients to create hearty meals.

Vegetables are another key component of the diet. Commonly used vegetables include beans, sweet potatoes, and squash. These ingredients add both nutrition and flavor to many dishes. They are typically cooked in simple, yet flavorful ways, such as boiling or steaming.

Meat is less common in Cape Verdean cuisine, partly due to its cost and the islands' reliance on fishing. When meat is used, it is often goat, pork, or chicken. These meats are usually marinated with a mix of local herbs and spices before cooking, enhancing their natural flavors.

Herbs and spices are essential in Cape Verdean cooking. They add depth and complexity to dishes without overwhelming the natural taste of the ingredients. Commonly used seasonings include garlic, onions, and cilantro. These are often combined with local peppers to create vibrant, aromatic dishes.

Root vegetables also feature in many traditional recipes. They provide a hearty base for soups and stews. These dishes are typically slow-cooked, allowing the flavors to meld together over time. This method of cooking results in rich, comforting meals that are both filling and nutritious.

Cape Verdean cuisine also includes a variety of snacks and street foods. These are often simple, quick to prepare, and easy to eat on the go. They showcase the islands' emphasis on fresh, local ingredients and straightforward cooking techniques.

The influence of Portuguese colonialism is evident in the use of certain ingredients and cooking methods. For example, the use of olive oil and wine in cooking reflects Portuguese tastes. Similarly, certain desserts and pastries have clear Portuguese origins, adapted to suit local tastes and available ingredients.

Despite its diverse influences, Cape Verdean cuisine maintains a distinct identity. It emphasizes the use of fresh, local ingredients and simple, effective cooking methods. This approach results in flavorful, satisfying meals that reflect the islands' unique cultural heritage.

In summary, Cape Verdean food is a vibrant blend of influences, centered around fresh, local ingredients. The cuisine is simple yet flavorful, with an emphasis on seafood, grains, and vegetables. This combination creates a unique and delicious food culture that is an integral part of Cape Verde's identity.

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